Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tunisia today

  Tunisia today is classified as a "country upward" starting many of the successes recorded in all fields and is mainly dependent on the human element as capital derives its value from the value of intelligence, which is the first engine of the economy immaterial. 
Tunisia is the first country in the Mediterranean basin spent the partnership agreement with the European Union and in the July 17, 1995, President Ben Ali has described the merger of Tunisia in the Euro-Mediterranean space as a "strategic option." 
And translated this strategy by embracing our top 5 +5 on 5 and December 6, 2003 with great success to support what Mr. Romano Prodi, European Commission president that Tunisia "locomotive pay Euro-Med track." 
Tunisia bet on young people today as the bearer of the banner of progress is able to bridge the gap that separates the country from major countries in the world, was the interest in educational policy and the rehabilitation of the vocational training sector and its integration into the educational system, in addition to the creation of Solidarity Bank to finance economic projects. The bet Tunisia on the values ​​of cooperation and synergy between the various segments of the society sent through the Solidarity Fund 26-26 which contributed since 1992 to eliminate the shadow areas and take care of approaching experiencing poverty and marginalization, and celebrates Tunisia on December 8 of each year's National Day of Solidarity. The success of this experiment encouraged the General Assembly of the United Nations to adopt a proposal Tunisian resurrected a world solidarity fund. 

* Visit nearly five million tourists annually average bride that gave its name to the continent and spruced up a contract Jawahrh stunning beaches, ancient civilization and rich, quality services and hospitality ethics and security Wonder presence. 
Tunisian tourism benefit from the diversity of the tourism product, it attracts enthusiasts sea, pedophiles Sahara, Mutaimin Babq history and civilizations of the East in addition to tourism, conferences and festivals. 
Tunisian beaches stretching nearly 1,300 km in length based on perhaps the most important tourist poles of Sousse, Monastir, Hammamet, Mahdia, Bizerte, Tabarka and Tunis Bardo Museum, which hosts the ancient custodial turn to the largest collection of Roman mosaics in the world. Add to a museum, a theater and Carthage Museum of Arts and folk customs known as Dar Ben Abdallah medina in the heart of the capital city and is considered a masterpiece of the eyes of their markets and the unique architecture listed by UNESCO as World Heritage humanitarian. 
The polarity of internal tourism are Kairouan capital Aghlabids and mosque famous mosque Uqba a lighthouse unique, and eye dirhams in the north-west of the climate and architecture of Europe, Tozeur city of poets in the bosom Born code hair Tunisian and one of the flags of Arab poetry Abou El Kacem Chebbi, who inscription in the conscience of the people of his home Gel says: 
If the people wanted life *** it must respond equally 
And embraces Tozeur and impressive special museum is a museum house bar. 
This is in addition to Douz and Matmata holders brigade desert tourism along Tozeur and many other areas of tourist attraction. 

* The uniqueness of Tunisia a special place for culture is reflected in the budget allocated to the important and its ministry estimated 1 percent of the State budget which is difficult if not impossible to be found in the state in the path of growth. 
Tunisia hosts many festivals and cultural events Perhaps Mrs. Mubarak: 
- Carthage Film Festival, which has been sent by the year 1966 and organized every two years. 
- Carthage Theatre Days and regulate trade with the Carthage Film Festival. 
- Carthage International Festival of music, theater, dance, film (July 15 - August 18, theater Archaeological Carthage). 
- Tabarka Jazz Festival (15-18 July). 
- Festival of the Arts palaces and folk customs (Avril - Tataouine). 
- Bamahrs Fine Arts Festival (July 23 - August 03). 
- World Music Festival (symphonic music July 23 - August 02 theater Archaeological El Jem). 
- Festival of the Sahara Douz folklore (26-29 Novmr). 
- Coral Festival of underwater photography Tabarka (September 2 to 6). 
- USU Folklore Festival and parade and dance Sousse (July 24). 

* Mathematically Thoudy Tunisia international recognition Nadir great interest in this sector and is what made FIFA awarded the honor of organizing the first FIFA World Cup to mid-1977, in addition to organizing three sessions of the African Cup of Nations years 1965.1994 and 2004, culminating Balahraz this title Nafees for the first time in its history on 14 February 2004 and the two embrace for the Mediterranean Games in 1967 and 2001, the years with the reminder penile Tunisia in honor of organizing the World Cup handball, 2005. 
Tunisia today and participate in the organization of the race to win the 2010 World Cup and is trying to convince FIFA's executive committee to adopt file joint organization with Libya under the slogan "we host the world." And derives Profile Tunisian magnitude of the importance attached by the Tunisian sport, advanced infrastructure studded Badra average: Stadium November 7 Rades which classify observers as the best tennis Africa and El Menzah stadium, which is considered by FIFA one of the best stadiums in the world, both engineering and aesthetic, as well as advanced network for Atslat and transportation capacity and large tourist and hospitality rooted traditions, without losing sight of the outstanding site Tunisia. 
Tunisia is one of the leading sports regional and continental namely that played three finals of African and won the honor to climb on the podium the title once and has participated three times in the World Cup (1978 - 1998 to 2002), in addition to its participation multiple in the Olympic Games, which culminated in gold thanks to the hostility Mohammed Aalghemoda. 
This gave Tunisia and Africa are the Arabs and their first win in the World Cup against Mexico in 1978 (3-1), the first world championship Judo thanks to Anis Oneva and the first World Championship Wrestling in the mid-earned dreams Aezzabi. 

Hadi and pictures of her pocket I have a gift for Wycombe billion in Maiya Hatjpkm: 24 :: 24: and frankly not the grandest


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