Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tourist transport in Tunisia


If you're in Tunisia sightseeing and do not want to miss any place except you're visiting, you can choose the way Alsaraly foot where it most appropriate way to do adventure to explore the city as well as the new city. Some are organized walking tours and so by some tourism offices in the city! If you are alone or with friends, you can choose to walk for an unforgettable experience. 

Metro light 

This means a very easy way and fun to explore all over the city, you can take a subway cars (which are in fact more like the edge of electric railways) of between four main lines, all in the city center. The metro system is characterized by a light and relatively new in Tunisia that he is well organized and stops every few minutes. Therefore, if you want to take a look at all parts of the city be sure to choose the right time to ride one of these buses. 


There are other common way to explore Tunisia through the purchase of a ticket for a taxi Alstrkh. Accommodate shared taxi, which resemble small buses from 7 to 8 people. Do not adhere to taxis in Tunisia any fixed timetables, where the drivers to wait until 8 members are grouped in taxi station for the launch. May be shared taxis and a very good way for sightseeing because of reasonable cost and flexibility as it is convenient. However has annoyed some tourists from the high speed of these cars while doing the tours. You can see the different markets along the way if you are not committed to the time constant as is the case in the metro and the railway, but some tourists expressed their contempt for taxi driving at high speed! 
These cars stations located in the north and the south, near the bus station. 

TGM train 

TGM train transports passengers from the city center to the suburbs or the shores of Marina. There are about four of the train lines stretching from the naval station about 680 millimies (one direction). It also connects the train between the nearest surrounding areas including but not Joliet Sidi Bou Said and Carthage. 

Local train: Societe Nationale de Chiminz de Vere Tunisians (SNCFT) Unlike TGM, the local train passes outside Tunis, and connects between different cities in Tunisia. The trip begins from the train station in the palace of Barcelona and go to forests and landscapes and hills So Tunisia is a very enjoyable trip.


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