Thursday, September 18, 2014


The identification of the nature and composition of Malaysia sponsor that makes him so beloved, and it is a unique blend of lively races and different religions, where those with assets of Malay, Indian, Chinese and other ethnic groups in peace and harmony with each other. 

Not only the advantages of this multiculturalism to transform Malaysia into a paradise for delicacies and foods that attract tourists from all over the world, but made ​​it home to hundreds of festivals and carnivals vibrant. So no wonder we are in love with the festivities and mingle with others and learn about the cultures, the people of the Malaysian people are quiet and friendly and hospitable nature. 

Vary Malaysia geographically, such as cultural diversity, they are divided into thirteen states and three federal regions, and divided by the South China Sea into two parts, namely the Malaysian peninsula, which includes eleven states and two provinces federal (Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya), and East Malaysia, which includes two states and UTS and one (Labuan ). 

One of the main tourist attractions in Malaysia as a country full of contradictions, Vatahat skyscrapers lies beneath wooden houses is very simple, also located hotels five star just a few steps from the coral reef areas antique, along with the presence of many havens of cold weather terrain that descend as we head to the bottom until you reach the sandy beaches and warm dense mangrove forests. 

If you intend to enjoy a holiday full of amazing events, as well as the identification of a set of enriched cultures and seeing the wonders of nature, the perfect place is all that is Malaysia.


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